English Learning(日常生活中常用的实用英语句子#4)

2020/03/28 English


本文来自 英语听力练习 * 卡尔英文 * Learn English 文字稿,如侵权,请告知,立删



  1. 你知道那个人是谁吗?
  2. 他很面熟
  3. 我好像和他见过面
  4. 他是我的同事
  5. 他是个在工作中认识的人
  6. 他只是我在工作中认识的人,你不用担心
  7. 我们去和他打招呼吧
  8. 我不认为这是个好主意
  9. 你明天有时间和我一起去吃午饭吗?
  10. 你有时间和我聊一聊吗?
  11. 下班以后,你有时间和我一起喝杯咖啡吗?
  12. 你什么时候有空参加聚会?
  13. 你什么时候有空参加面试?
  14. 我们顺便去便利店怎么样?
  15. 我们叫外卖日本菜,怎么样?
  16. 我们今天早点下班怎么样?
  17. 在你心中有一个合适的人选吗?
  18. 在你心中有一个这份工作的合适的人选吗?
  19. 你在想什么类型的车?
  20. 我知道一家超好吃的中餐馆
  21. 我知道一家超好吃的寿司店
  22. 我知道一家超好吃的面馆
  23. 你几点下班?
  24. 你几点下班?
  25. 你几点下班?离开办公室
  26. 你几点下班?工作完
  27. 你几点去上班?
  28. 明天早上你能不能早点上班?
  29. 我今晚会工作到很晚
  30. 我们叫外卖怎么样?
  31. 我要叫外卖,我不要出去


  1. Do you know who that person is?
  2. He looks familiar to me.
  3. It’s like I have met him before.
  4. He is one of my collegues at work.
  5. He is a business acquaintance.
  6. He is just a business acquaintance. You don’t have to worry.
  7. Let’s go and say hello to him.
  8. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
  9. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?
  10. Are you free for a quick chat?
  11. Are you free for a cup of coffee after work?
  12. When are you free for the meeting?
  13. When are you free for the interview?
  14. How about dropping by a convenience store?
  15. How about ordering in some Japanese food?
  16. How about calling it a day early today?
  17. Do you have a good person in mind?
  18. Do you have a good person in mind for the job?
  19. What type of car do you have in mind?
  20. I know a place that has excellent Chinese food.
  21. I know a place that has excellent sushi.
  22. I know a place that has excellent noddles.
  23. When do you get off work?
  24. When do you leave work?
  25. When do you leave the office?
  26. When do you finish work?
  27. What time do you go to work?
  28. Can you come to the office early tomorrow?
  29. I’ll be working late (at the office) tonight.
  30. How about ordering in some food?
  31. I’d like to order in some food instead of going out.


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