黑科技WFD句子 02

2020/05/01 English




  1. (#6025) Essays and assignments are spread across the academic year.
  2. (#6024) Statistically speaking, the likelihood of this results is extremely low.
  3. (#6020) The area has a wide diversity of habitats for underwater species.
  4. (#6018) Measures must be taken to prevent the unemployment rate from rising.
  5. (#6016) Advanced technology will create growth in the economy.
  6. (#6012) Your statistical information depends on your raw data.
  7. (#6009) Momentum is defined as a combination of mass and velocity.
  8. (#6006) The researchers are disappointed that their results are proved to be inconclusive.
  9. (#6005) Request for late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  10. (#5990) Students should leave bags on the table by the door.
  11. (#5988) Slides and handouts can be downloaded after the lecture.
  12. (#5982) The collapse of the housing market makes recessions.
  13. (#5978) Even simple techniques need to be practiced to become perfect.
  14. (#5977) Sugar is a compound including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
  15. (#5969) The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday.
  16. (#5966) Certain organisms can reproduce using just only one parent.
  17. (#5959) Photography is very useful for geographical research.
  18. (#5958) Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
  19. (#5957) Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground.
  20. (#5956) Firm conclusions can be established through rigorous experiments.
  21. (#5955) International exchanges form an important part of our study programs.
  22. (#5948) Make sure you have saved all the files before turning off the computer.
  23. (#5945) The coffee machine on the third floor is not working today.
  24. (#5944) The reception staff can give information of renting and printing.
  25. (#5941) We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.
  26. (#5940) All medical students must clean their hands before entering the room.
  27. (#5937) Your ideas are discussed depending on your seminar or tutorial.
  28. (#5935) Blue whale is the largest mammal that ever lived.
  29. (#5929) The bus for London will leave 10 minutes later than planned.
  30. (#5928) The printers automatically print both sides of each page.
  31. (#5927) Make sure you choose a course that provides great career opportunities.
  32. (#5926) Sound waves are unable to travel through the vacuum.
  33. (#5914) Many courses in the institution are funded by private entrepreneurs.
  34. (#5909) Sociology policies are the sources of goverments to solve social problems.
  35. (#5908) Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no period of change.
  36. (#5905) You must know your security question when you reset your password.
  37. (#5904) Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort.
  38. (#5897) There is a widely believed perception that engineering is for boys.
  39. (#5895) The jobs tomorrow will require higher skill levels.
  40. (#5894) It is successfully acknowledged that there is a student graduation ceremony.
  41. (#5887) Archaeologists discovered tools and artifacts in ancient tombs.
  42. (#5885) Speak to your tutor if you need further assistance.
  43. (#5883) Academic development needs to be supported by governments.
  44. (#5824) The professor took a year off to work on her book.
  45. (#5823) The book was supported by many faculty members.
  46. (#5767) The new chemistry professor will deliver his first lecture tomorrow.
  47. (#5750) Much of the research is carried out in the laboratory.
  48. (#5742) The winter sun is lower but high enough to produce enough warmth.
  49. (#5733) The course dates are available on the college website.
  50. (#5732) The library plays an important role in students’ lives.
  51. (#5696) There is a significant difference between theory and practice in education.
  52. (#5686) Continuing students will be send for application forms.
  53. (#5677) A balanced diet and regular exercise are necessary for good health.
  54. (#5674) A number of assignments will be gathered to the conference.
  55. (#5673) Science library is currently located on the ground of the library.
  56. (#5672) Take the first step to apply for your university scholarship.
  57. (#5658) Growing population has posed a challenge to many governments.
  58. (#5635) Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
  59. (#5587) Global connections increased in academic communities, thanks to social media.
  60. (#5585) Today’s history lecture has been moved to lecture theater.
  61. (#5583) Distance learning can develop your career around the world.
  62. (#5582) Student advisor was aware that the lecture today has been canceled.
  63. (#5579) We are achieving common prosperity throughout the department.
  64. (#5577) The new art gallery can only be visited on Fridays.
  65. (#5576) Industrial experts will discuss job opportunities in an automatic labor force.
  66. (#5575) Manufacturing now brings more people in than agriculture and fishing combined.
  67. (#5562) A rising population means more trees are cut down.
  68. (#5559) It would be extremely beneficial to work together.
  69. (#5552) A lack of sleep can increase the chance of some illnesses.
  70. (#5517) The invention of the printing press increases the demand for paper.
  71. (#5514) There are opportunities to recieve the grants from most artistic fields.
  72. (#5513) Art students often exhibit their works in the university buildings.
  73. (#5509) The office hours will be changed from next term.
  74. (#5508) In this book, the author discussed the role of cultural differences.
  75. (#5496) Strangely, people are impacted by spontaneously using statistics.
  76. (#5494) The teacher training is an observation of the classes.
  77. (#5490) The university should introduce technology to support learning.
  78. (#5489) The university has invested in new technology designed for learning.
  79. (#5488) An undergraduate is required to do many projects.
  80. (#5487) It was four more years before the theory was fully developed.
  81. (#5480) Reading list will be available before the course begins.
  82. (#5479) The temperature in summer is lower when comparing to the fall.
  83. (#5478) Students who study overseas can significantly improve work chances.
  84. (#5475) Without doubt, this theory has a number of limitations.
  85. (#5472) There will be a meeting for the first-year students on Friday.
  86. (#5446) Key business partners are often entertained in expense accounts.
  87. (#5443) They developed a unique approach to training their employees.
  88. (#5442) A good way to improve your vocabulary is through repeatition.
  89. (#5441) Our courses help to improve critical thinking and independent learning skills.
  90. (#5417) Universities need to secure the grants for research subjects.
  91. (#5416) Please ensure you do not go above word limitation.
  92. (#5391) Check the website if you are looking for discounted textbooks.
  93. (#5390) These leaflets can be really useful when you are revising.
  94. (#5361) You must figure out the mathematical problems and apply what you learned.
  95. (#5353) You can ask your tutor for further assistance.
  96. (#5341) One of the functions of the internal organ is to keep the body warm.
  97. (#5328) Please write the name of author and the year of publication.
  98. (#5324) Farming methods across the world have greatly developed recently.
  99. (#5323) Both staff and students can purchase car parking permits online.
  100. (#5297) There is an important difference between mass production and batch production.


  1. (#5295) Managing the increasing population is the challenge for most governments.
  2. (#5294) A good research assistant is not afraid to ask questions.
  3. (#5293) Today we will look at how to display the data visually.
  4. (#5284) The students showed the Hong Kong people are the most active in Asia.
  5. (#5282) Unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in years.
  6. (#5279) Please provide the reports to support your idea of these arguments.
  7. (#5278) Get enough sleep the night before the test.
  8. (#5266) Every student has a regular meeting with his or her personal tutor.
  9. (#5262) More research is needed before any definitive conclusion is drawn.
  10. (#5260) Doing nothing is not always better than taking risks.
  11. (#5259) All lectures and learning materials can be found on the internet.
  12. (#5258) The poster of this play is hung in the large lecture theater.
  13. (#5257) Students who attempt to go to the conference must register now.
  14. (#5256) Although sustainable development is not easy, it is our responsibility.
  15. (#5238) There have been many changes recently in the mathematics department.
  16. (#5237) This course puts great emphasis on critical thinking skills.
  17. (#5236) Our food supply now contains so much sugar that our metabolic system cannot handle it.
  18. (#5235) Several candidates will be qualified as the greatest scientists of all time.
  19. (#5234) The visiting speaker used to be a lecturer in this department.
  20. (#5232) Research shows that exercising makes us feel better.
  21. (#5231) There is not much interconnection between philosophy and psychology.
  22. (#5228) Unlike short sleep, over sleeping increases the risk of illness.
  23. (#5227) The seminar provided an opportunity to exchange ideas with other students.
  24. (#5225) New credit cards will soon use the fingerprint technology.
  25. (#5223) Your application for a research grant has been received.
  26. (#5222) The Industrial Revolution in Europe was driven by stream technology.
  27. (#5219) Our laboratory equipment is provided free of charge.
  28. (#5191) There are many good reasons to grow trees in more cities.
  29. (#5190) Unusual weather patterns are making farming more difficult today.
  30. (#5161) The cooperator operates as a continuous assessment.
  31. (#5159) The body fat keeps internal organs warm.
  32. (#5154) Mature students usually adapt to university life extremely well.
  33. (#5153) Governments need to make solar energy more affordable to everyone.
  34. (#5143) All the course stages are on the website.
  35. (#5142) Protective clothing must always be worn in the laboratory.
  36. (#5136) Peer review is a central part of scientific method.
  37. (#5113) Even if you have used cosmetics for years without problems, one or more ingredients can still trigger an allergic reaction.
  38. (#5108) Economic development needs to be supported by the government.
  39. (#5086) Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class.
  40. (#5085) In his lifetime, he composed most of the works.
  41. (#5021) Students should take advantages of the online resources before attending the lecture.
  42. (#4962) Novelists write things about things they know about.
  43. (#4956) An architect requires problem-solving skills and an eye for design.
  44. (#4954) Calculations may not be needed in this examination.
  45. (#4948) The theater courses are encouraging students to exercise creativity.
  46. (#4821) There are many branches of medical studies.
  47. (#4814) Students will focus on reporting news on changing media world.
  48. (#4813) Read the student safety instructions before using any equipment in the workshops.
  49. (#4785) Students who are successful have a good strategy for learning.
  50. (#4782) Accounting students should have a good understanding of profit and loss statement.
  51. (#4749) Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at universities.
  52. (#4747) The economy now is showing the first sign of recovery.
  53. (#4744) I will now demonstrate how the reaction can be arrested by adding a dilute acid.
  54. (#4730) The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
  55. (#4726) Some departments have their own special book collections.
  56. (#4725) Accountancy students probably have a good understanding of economics, statistics and psychology.
  57. (#4722) The designers will complete the plan today.
  58. (#4711) The course has been updated to reflect the current situation.
  59. (#4710) Sydney is Australia’s largest city, chief port and cultural center.
  60. (#4709) Some young people find city life rather stressful.
  61. (#4708) Practicing time-restricted eating a few times a week can be both feasible and healthy.
  62. (#4707) Popular culture is a serious subject of academic inquiry.
  63. (#4706) Hundreds of scientific papers have been published on global warming.
  64. (#4705) He started his tutorial presentation right on time.
  65. (#4704) Essential textbooks can be purchased from the campus bookshop.
  66. (#4703) Coursework and exams will form part of the annual assessment.
  67. (#4702) Despite the differences, all forms of lives share the same characteristics.
  68. (#4700) The department has a higher than normal proportion of postgraduate students.
  69. (#4699) NASA has been at the forefront of deep space exploration.
  70. (#4698) Atmosphere is composed of several layers.
  71. (#4697) Several organizations work to prevent animal cruelty.
  72. (#4696) Cinema and music are as important as science and mathematics.
  73. (#4695) Organic food is considered to be free of chemicals.
  74. (#4694) Majority of our decisions are not rational.
  75. (#4693) Exercise reduces the risk of morbid obesity.
  76. (#4692) Bad policy decisions led to the financial crisis.
  77. (#4691) The economy is showing signs of revival.
  78. (#4690) The office will be closed during the Christmas break.
  79. (#4689) Click the logo above to enter the site.
  80. (#4687) You should draw your graph on a separate page.
  81. (#4686) The new theory takes all the latest research results into account.
  82. (#4685) The period was a golden age of English literature.
  83. (#4684) The scientists use the web to explore the problems.
  84. (#4683) There are new innovation in the field of digital architecture.
  85. (#4682) Weather patterns have changed significantly over the past two hundred years.
  86. (#4681) You can request library books by using the electronic catalog.
  87. (#4680) Cell is the most basic building block for all animals and plants.
  88. (#4678) Behind the garage is a secret storage room.
  89. (#4677) Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer collaboration.
  90. (#4659) Education and training provide important skills for the labor force.
  91. (#4585) This camera can identify eyes and focus on them.
  92. (#4567) Our medical school students must attend the talk about optional courses.
  93. (#4539) The courses cover the several aspects of the subject.
  94. (#4490) The bar chart provides useful means of data comparison.
  95. (#4482) The course will help students to improve their pronunciation skills.
  96. (#4480) Building trust is not something that can be achieved overnight.
  97. (#4478) Every student has the right and ability to succeed.
  98. (#4458) One of the election promises is to decrease the income tax.
  99. (#4454) The architectural numbers vary in that experiment.
  100. (#4453) This course provides the opportunity to get valuable industry experience.


  1. (#4452) Some people believe that education should be free for all.
  2. (#4450) Timetables about new term will be available next week.
  3. (#4448) Art is an expression of creative skills and imagination.
  4. (#4441) Find out how to get your resources before your research.
  5. (#4434) Those who are considering a career of marketing should attend the talk.
  6. (#4432) There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.
  7. (#4399) The marketing budget is doubled since the beginning of the year.
  8. (#4396) Experts are now able to forecast weather for long periods.
  9. (#4392) Collaboration between departments is a feature of successful companies.
  10. (#4385) The ability to work with fellow students cannot be stressed enough.
  11. (#4379) Enrolling a second major will increase the career options.
  12. (#4361) Scientists learned through the observations and analyses of the human behavior.
  13. (#4348) Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.
  14. (#4344) The summer course was canceled due to insufficient enrollments.
  15. (#4342) In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy.
  16. (#4324) Students are encouraged to think carefully about their accommodation needs.
  17. (#4323) There are many types of governments in the world.
  18. (#4322) There is a welcome party for all new students each term.
  19. (#4321) The site is designed to be highly interactive.
  20. (#4295) The undergraduates need some specific sources to analyze a program.
  21. (#4250) The two variables in the study were very closely correlated.
  22. (#4236) We support to do research in the field of archaeology such as forecasting and estimation.
  23. (#4235) We can work together to achieve the higher educational standards.
  24. (#4234) University fees are expected to increase next year.
  25. (#4233) There will be a conference here next summer on using the web for academic research.
  26. (#4232) The same issues featured both explanations of the problem.
  27. (#4230) The results of the study underscored the discoveries from early detection.
  28. (#4229) The main concepts in this thesis were not new.
  29. (#4228) The assessment of this course will begin next week.
  30. (#4227) The features issued the same explanation of the problem.
  31. (#4226) The cafeteria features sandwiches, salads, soup, fish and chicken.
  32. (#4225) She received a scholarship from the state library.
  33. (#4224) Remember, the prestigious selection has strict eligibility criteria.
  34. (#4223) Most of these features were part of the previous system.
  35. (#4222) Library reference desks hold a lot of materials on academic history.
  36. (#4220) Despite the protest, the chemistry department was closed down.
  37. (#4219) Although sustainable development is not easy, it is an unavoidable responsibility.
  38. (#4112) Students should have awareness of how the business develops globally.
  39. (#4111) Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.
  40. (#4110) The office opens on Mondays and Thursdays directly following the freshman categories.
  41. (#4109) You will acquire new skills during your academic studies.
  42. (#4108) Create a playlist of your favorite music to help you relax in difficult situations.
  43. (#4107) Studies show there is a positive correlation between two variables.
  44. (#4106) Plants and living thins are growing on the land or in water.
  45. (#4105) A good architecture is always very useful, durable and beautiful.
  46. (#4097) The introduction is an important component of a good presentation.
  47. (#4073) A good scientific paper should have clear arguments.
  48. (#4072) Science is found in society all around the world.
  49. (#3845) You can use a laptop during the lecture.
  50. (#3805) The business class can hold with local students.
  51. (#3796) Please confirm that you have received the textbook.
  52. (#3757) There is clearly a need for further research in this field.
  53. (#3756) The artists tied with conservative politicians earned the roles of critics.
  54. (#3754) Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.
  55. (#3753) Some people argue that education is not that important.
  56. (#3752) She has made a significant contribution to the field of chemistry.
  57. (#3751) The equality has not yet been achieved in this society.
  58. (#3750) Before attending the lecture, you must register online or by post.
  59. (#3749) All of the assignments should be submitted in person to the faculty office.
  60. (#3732) Fashion trends help people to make life interesting.
  61. (#3729) We have sophisticated ways to study in brain action.
  62. (#3726) Student representatives will visit classes with voting forms.
  63. (#3725) It is important to make clear notes while you are reading.
  64. (#3694) There was a prize for the best student of the presentation.
  65. (#3688) The new media have transformed the traditional national boundaries.
  66. (#3687) The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.
  67. (#3685) The development in the information technology has greatly changed the way people work.
  68. (#3684) Eating too much can lead to too many healthy problems.
  69. (#3683) The author is currently a professor at Cambridge University.
  70. (#3682) The teacher asked the group to commence the task.
  71. (#3663) I don’t think it’s possible to solve the problem easily.
  72. (#3644) Tours operate all year round, but the busier dry season runs from May.
  73. (#3643) There are still many people struggling in the lab.
  74. (#3642) The most striking thing about this budget smartphone cannot be seen on its face.
  75. (#3641) Most university teaching takes place in lectures and seminars.
  76. (#3640) Increasing population results in an increasing demand in energy.
  77. (#3639) The museum is closed on the third Mondays of every month.
  78. (#3638) You have to learn how to use the library to save your time.
  79. (#3633) The teaching group will perform in the concert hall.
  80. (#3632) Supply and demand is one of the most fundanmental concepts in economics.
  81. (#3631) Parents are financially responsible for their children until they reach adulthood.
  82. (#3625) The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.
  83. (#3624) Geography is generally divided into two branches: human and physical.
  84. (#3623) Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
  85. (#3615) You may need to purchase an academic gown for the commencement.
  86. (#3598) A good reserach delivers practical benefits for real people.
  87. (#3596) The lecture tomorrow will discuss the educational policy in the United States.
  88. (#3593) Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on the earth.
  89. (#3589) The railway made long-distance travel possible for everyone.
  90. (#3585) Safety glasses should be worn while doing experiments in the lab.
  91. (#3579) The city’s founders created a set of rules that became the law.
  92. (#3567) Important details in the article are missing from the summary.
  93. (#3565) Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.
  94. (#3561) The plight of wildlife has been ignored by developers.
  95. (#3559) Traffic is the main cause of pollution in many cities.
  96. (#3549) The exam system has been upgraded due to professional exams.
  97. (#3537) She used to be the editor of the student newspaper.
  98. (#3530) It is important for students to keep up with the deadline.
  99. (#3529) We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
  100. (#3525) Making a mistake is fine as long as you’ve learned from it.


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