English Learning(基础英文口语二十七句! (日常生活中最常用的英语

2020/11/05 English

基础英文口语二十七句! (日常生活中最常用的英语 #53)


  1. 哪个约会你为什么迟到了?
  2. 请你告诉我发生了什么事
  3. 我被堵在路上了
  4. 在去那里路上,我的车胎还破了
  5. 所以我得叫一辆拖车
  6. 但是我打错电话了
  7. 看来,你度过了漫长的一天
  8. 你干嘛没有回复我的短信
  9. 据我所知,我没有收到任何你的短信
  10. 你确定吗?我来看一下
  11. 不好意思,是我搞混了
  12. 这件事,我们现在说清楚了吧
  13. 我在想其他事情了,你刚才说什么来着?
  14. 算了,我们以后再说吧
  15. 我刚才走神了一会儿
  16. 我到底怎么了?
  17. 你不要自责了
  18. 出去的时候,请把门锁好
  19. 把煤气关上了吗?
  20. 把东西都放回原来的地方了吗?
  21. 你不要担心,就交给我吧
  22. 我可不可以借用一下你的笔记本电脑?
  23. 我马上就需要这个了
  24. 我的笔记本电脑完全坏了
  25. 他不停地自动关机
  26. 所以,每 5 分钟我得把它重新打开一次
  27. 看起来我们的情况很像


  1. Why were you late for the appointment?
  2. Please tell me what happened.
  3. I got stuck in traffic.
  4. I also had a flat tire on my way over there.
  5. So, I had to call a tow truck.
  6. But I dialed the wrong number.
  7. Seems like you had a long day.
  8. Why didn’t you text me back?
  9. The last time I checked, I didn’t get any message from you.
  10. Are you sure? Let me check.
  11. Sorry, I got it mixed up.
  12. Now, are we clear on this?
  13. I was somewhere else. What did you just say?
  14. Forget it, Let’s talke about it later.
  15. I just zoned out for a second.
  16. What’s wrong with me?
  17. Don’t be hard on yourself.
  18. Please lock the door when you leave.
  19. Did you turn off the gas?
  20. Did you put things back in place?
  21. Don’t worry, just leave it to me.
  22. Can I borrow your laptop?
  23. I need it immediately.
  24. My laptop has gone haywire.
  25. It keeps truning itsself off automatically.
  26. So I have to turn it on every five minutes.
  27. It seems like we are in a similar situation.


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