English Learning(基础英文口语二十六句! (日常生活中最常用的英语

2021/04/29 English

基础英文口语二十六句! (日常生活中最常用的英语 #54)


  1. 你有什么好事吗?
  2. 我的一个朋友中奖了
  3. 他曾经答应过要把奖金分我一半
  4. 恭喜你啊,我希望我也有这样的运气
  5. 你现在还能联系他吗?
  6. 你这是什么意思?
  7. 我只是说说而已
  8. 你怎么愁眉苦脸的?
  9. 天天做着同样的工作,觉得很厌烦
  10. 这个游戏我已经玩腻了
  11. 欲擒故纵真的很累
  12. 我从来没有这样想过
  13. 你这么想,我很遗憾
  14. 很抱歉,这都是我的错
  15. 但是,我这样做是出于一番好意
  16. 看样子,我把事情搞砸了
  17. 你不要太认真了
  18. 那个项目进展的怎么样了?
  19. 这个项目很有希望
  20. 一切都进展的很顺利
  21. 这次我们可以抱希望了
  22. 一切都在控制之下
  23. 也许,我跟你说的不够清楚
  24. 我们需要想好第二方案
  25. 我们应该按最坏的情况准备
  26. 好的,听你的


  1. Do you have some good news?
  2. One of my friends won the lottery.
  3. He promised he would give me half of it earlier.
  4. Congratulations! I wish I had that luck.
  5. You can still get in touch with him?
  6. What do you mean by that?
  7. I was just saying.
  8. Why the long face?
  9. I’m getting bored of doing the same thing everyday.
  10. I already got bored of this game.
  11. I’m tired of the push and pull.
  12. I have never thought like that.
  13. I’m sorry you feel that way.
  14. I’m sorry, It’s all my fault.
  15. But I just meant it for the best.
  16. Apparently, I messed up everything.
  17. Don’t take it too seriously.
  18. How is it going with the project?
  19. The project is very hopeful.
  20. Everything is going smoothly.
  21. We can get our hopes up this time.
  22. Everything is under control.
  23. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
  24. We need to figure out a plan B.
  25. We have to prepare for the worst.
  26. Okay, you are the boss.


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