English Learning(基础英文口语二十三句! (日常生活中最常用的英语

2021/04/29 English

基础英文口语二十三句! (日常生活中最常用的英语 #56)


  1. 我今天起的超级晚
  2. 我昨晚睡的太晚了
  3. 我睡过头了,没有被闹钟闹醒
  4. 我承认我不是那种早起型的人
  5. 但是这并不一定意味着我很懒惰
  6. 你的眼睛好像肿了一点点
  7. 这很明显吗?
  8. 其实这个不太明显
  9. 你生气了吗?
  10. 这个能看得出来吗?
  11. 我希望我能瞬移到我的办公室里
  12. 下班以后你能让我搭个便车吗?
  13. 我们朝同一个方向
  14. 我们以前为什么不知道这个?
  15. 现在马路上车辆速度很慢
  16. 现在我被堵在路上了
  17. 我应该早一点从家里出发的
  18. 这样下去,我不会按时到的
  19. 今天天气真奇怪
  20. 今天会下雨吗?
  21. 现在还没有下雨的前兆
  22. 不过做点准备没有坏处的
  23. 试一试总没有坏处的


  1. I woke up super late today.
  2. I stayed up too late last night.
  3. I slept through my alarm clock.
  4. I admit that I’m not a morning person.
  5. But it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m lazy.
  6. Your eyes look a little puffy.
  7. Is it noticeable?
  8. It’s not that noticeable, actually.
  9. Are you mad at something?
  10. Is it obvious?
  11. I wish I could teleport myself to the office.
  12. Can you give me a ride after work?
  13. We are going in the same direction.
  14. Why didn’t we know about this before?
  15. The traffic is so slow now.
  16. I’m stuck in traffic right now.
  17. I should have left home earlier.
  18. At this rate, I’ll not make it on time.
  19. The weather is so weird today.
  20. Is it likely to rain today?
  21. There is no sign of rain yet.
  22. It wouldn’t hurt to be prepared, though.
  23. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.


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