English Learning(基礎英文口語二十六句! (日常生活中最常用的英語

2021/04/29 English

基礎英文口語二十六句! (日常生活中最常用的英語 #55)


  1. 有什么进展了吗?
  2. 事情没有按照计划进行
  3. 这件事情很有挑战性
  4. 我没有想到这件事情会有这么复杂
  5. 没有任何线索
  6. 我们走投无路了
  7. 这没什么大不了的
  8. 我们从不同的角度看这件事情吧
  9. 我们就往好的方面看吧
  10. 你在享受你现在的工作吗?
  11. 我想,我生来就是为了做这份工作
  12. 我一开始学习就忘记时间
  13. 我完全把时间忘掉了
  14. 你在开玩笑吧?
  15. 我没有理由要骗你
  16. 听起来有道理
  17. 你确定你能做到这件事吗?
  18. 在这方面我可是个专家
  19. 就交给我吧
  20. 我这方面的经验不太多
  21. 不过,我会做到我力所能及的地方
  22. 你是个做事有条不紊的人
  23. 我第一次看到你的时候就知道这个
  24. 请你告诉我,秘密是什么?
  25. 你最好安排工作的优先顺序
  26. 你最好按照事情的轻重缓急去做事


  1. Has there been any progress?
  2. Things didn’t work out as planned.
  3. It’s quite challenging.
  4. I didn’t expect it would be this complicated.
  5. There is no lead any more.
  6. We are stuck in a dead end.
  7. It’s not a big deal.
  8. Let’s look at this from another angle.
  9. Let’s look on the bright side.
  10. Are you enjoying what you are doing now?
  11. I think I was born to do this job.
  12. I lose track of time, once I start to study.
  13. I’ve completely lost track of time.
  14. You’ve got to be kidding me.
  15. I have no reason to lie to you.
  16. That sounds about right.
  17. Are you sure you can do this job?
  18. That’s right up my alley.
  19. Just leave it to me.
  20. I don’t have much experience in this field.
  21. But I’ll do as much as I can.
  22. You are a very organized person.
  23. I knew it the very first time I saw you.
  24. Please tell me, what’s the secret?
  25. You’d better prioritize your tasks.
  26. You’d better do things in order of priority.


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