English Learning(基础英文口语二十五句! (日常生活中最常用的英语

2021/04/29 English

基础英文口语二十五句! (日常生活中最常用的英语 #58)


  1. 不好意思,这里很乱。
  2. 早上我冲了出去
  3. 为了约会,我冲了出去
  4. 我带来了一个朋友
  5. 我们从简单的问题开始吧
  6. 有一些复杂的问题
  7. 不要草率下结论
  8. 这只不过是一个假设
  9. 请注意
  10. 请专心一点
  11. 请好好跟着我做吧
  12. 我有一些问题了
  13. 我会尽快去一趟
  14. 先做一下重要的事情吧
  15. 先做完这件事情再说吧
  16. 希望这不会花很长时间
  17. 希望这不会引起任何麻烦
  18. 您想要的价钱是多少?
  19. 您可以说一下您要的价钱
  20. 我们认识吗?
  21. 这一生,我从来没见过你
  22. 是我应该搞混了
  23. 不好意思,我以为您是别人
  24. 能不能更详细地说明一下
  25. 你给打个电话把,他会告诉你细节的


  1. Sorry about the mess.
  2. I rushed out in the morning.
  3. I rushed out for an appointment.
  4. I brought a friend.
  5. Let’s start with something easy.
  6. There are some tricky problems.
  7. Don’t jump to conclusions.
  8. That is just an assumption.
  9. Please pay attention.
  10. Please focus.
  11. Please follow my lead.
  12. I’m in some kind of trouble.
  13. I’ll swing by as soon as I can.
  14. First things first!
  15. One problem at a time!
  16. Hopefully this won’t take too long.
  17. Hopefully this won’t cause any trouble.
  18. What price range do you have in mind?
  19. You can name your own price.
  20. Do I know you?
  21. I haven’t seen you before in my life.
  22. I must have mixed up.
  23. I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.
  24. Would you care to elaborate?
  25. Call him, he’ll fill you in.


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